Category: What women want

REVEALED: The Secret to getting the hottest women

Finding the hottest women on the planet isn’t the problem – you already know they’re ALL on Facebook…

Attracting and dating them? That’s a little trickier.

It’s the most frustrating feeling, isn’t it? They’re right at your fingertips, but you don’t have a CLUE how to connect with them…


It seems like you can’t do anything else aside from drooling over their profile pics.

But you can change all that, starting TODAY.

Interested? Click HERE now:

I can show you exactly how to break past the barriers holding you back from meeting any of the
MILLIONS of women on Facebook…

For instance, most guys don’t even realize there are 3 game-killing problems that are keeping you from hooking up with hot women…

But once you know how to deal with these typical issues, you’ll instantly turn Facebook into your virtual dating playground.

Imagine having access to the most beautiful ladies and dating them whenever you want.

Click HERE to discover these seduction secrets NOW

For the longest time, we’ve been “trained” to think that women are the gatekeepers to the ONE thing we want.

That gives attractive women leverage over guys because it always seems like WE’RE the ones …

How To Be at Your Most Alpha

Masculinity is a word that gets thrown around all the time, and not enough guys understand what it’s about – or embrace its true meaning.

Some think having a Porsche or cash to burn is what attracts women, but all this external stuff is just icing on the cake. The qualities that constitute “being a man” helps a guy get those things, but more importantly, they’re also responsible for turning women on.

Now, in a world where traditional gender roles are being challenged, the definition of manliness might be a bit fuzzy for some guys. Families with stay-at-home dads and working moms are a good example of breaking stereotypes.

Men in these situations need to make use of feminine skills like nurturing relationships, caring for others and finding joy in the beauty of life. Women in the workplace on the other hand, need to be competitive, driven and focused – all of which are masculine qualities.


But when it comes to dating however, it’s a whole other ballgame. Even if we’re living in a progressive time like this, you’ll still need those masculine traits to activate a woman’s feminine attraction circuitry.

Here are a few ways to be more manly …

20 ways to make her leave you!

If you’re left clueless every time your girlfriend seem to be annoyed with the things you do, or not do – or if you’re wondering how to make sure she doesn’t leave you, take a little look-see at the article below.

What they talk about is 20 ways of how to make her leave you…

It might sound confusing to think this way, but you’d be surprised at what this can tell you about your own behavior. And then you’re a step closer to making her happy and contented with you.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma


Title: 20 ways to make her leave you!

As we all know, breaking up is hard to do. For the average person, it’s the only time in our lives when we deliberately say something that makes someone else cry. It’s awful. It’s horrible. It’s inhuman. So, how do you get round it? How do you slip the noose without causing pain? Make her break up with you.

Shift that responsibility. Unshoulder that blame. Turn yourself into the injured party and leave her pride intact. With a little cunning, you can easily create a case of constructive dismissal.

How is that to be achieved? …