You know what? I just found this amazing site about sex and relationships that I think you should know about.
And if you know me a little by now, then you know I’m not one to easily give credit to just anybody. You know that when I say I like a site, that is MUST BE packed with high quality advice just like the Win With Women blog you’re on right now.
The site I’m talking about today is… and here’s why I like it:
– Rod Philips, the mastermind behind the site, has written many articles that you can use to learn more about all kinds of sexual positions, including woman on top sexual positions and why it can be so much fun…
– He has dedicated an entire section of his site to sexual anatomy. There, you will be able to discover all the facts about women’s sexual anatomy, the vulva, vagina and clitoris so you know where you’re going when you get intimate…
– You can also use Rod’s site to learn exactly what sexual intercourse means to a woman, and especially the act of vaginal penetration or intromission during lovemaking by a man.
Sure, the design of the site may not be all that, but who cares?
Because it’s not often that you find a site made by a guy FOR guys which is about sex advice AND very helpful, because let’s face it: most guys have no freaking clue about how to improve their sex life…
Hell, they probably get their advice from porn flicks. Don’t be that guy and check out Rod’s advice. It will stop you from embarrassing yourself in the bedroom… and it makes your sex life a whole lot more fun!
And did I mention yet that he has videos explaining how to do stuff? ‘Nuff said.
In short: on you can learn all about different aspects of sex and lovemaking, because it’s such a comprehensive sex advice site for both men AND women.
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women