Category: How to text women

5 Things to Never Text a Woman

Texting women is like dancing blindfolded through a minefield. Do it right and you’ll wind up happily in bed with the girl of your dreams…

Do it wrong and you’ll be turned into hamburger.

Okay, that may not be the most effective metaphor I’ve ever used, but it’s not too far from the truth. One wrong move and you’re just another deleted contact in her bit-bucket.

Recovery is a bit of a nightmare. Women aren’t likely to give you a second chance these days. It’s too easy for her to just move on to some other guy who gets it.

And these days, it’s next to impossible to get a woman’s attention away from her cell phone.

What to text a girl

Have you ever walked into a crowded Starbucks, only to see 30 people in line, and every one of them is in a trance-like stupor – eyes glued to their smartphone?

I see it all the time, and it’s kinda sobering to see that all the time.

But the good news is that you can use texting to reach women that were previously out of your reach.

I’ve got a few of the worst errors you can make texting, AND some tips …

50 Examples Of What To Text A Girl

Sure, there are lots of blog posts on what to text a girl, but none that reveal 50 things to text a girl AND why they create so much attraction, until now!

And before I give you this incredibly long and pretty awesome list of what to text a girl in specific situations, I just want to say that these are guidelines. These aren’t rules you MUST follow dude…

Because you don’t have to use ALL my examples of what to text a girl to GET the girl. Just experiment, see what works best for you, and keep doing what works.

And secretly?

I want to show you WHY all of these examples work so well, so you can invent many more yourself and become a rock star of texting girls. But more on that later…

Let’s check out some examples of what to text a girl already!

What To Text A Girl When You’ve Just Met Her

When you’ve just met her it’s important to keep the attraction going. To keep her interested.

What does that mean when it comes to what to text a girl?

It means challenging her, teasing her, being picky, being mysterious, being hard to …

7 Secret Tips For Texting That Attract Girls Like Crazy

Everyone can give tips for texting things that girls like, but today you’ll get tips for texting things that girls LOVE and most guys don’t know about.

Because today I’ve got some tips for texting girls for you that guys who are incredibly successful with texting (guys like players and dating gurus) would hate to share with you because they make the dating game a hell of a lot easier.

I had to stalk some of those womanizers to get these tips for texting for you…

But it was worth it because don’t you, too, want to make the dating game a hell of a lot easier for yourself by making texting girls so easy a baby could do it?

In short: move over amateurish tips for texting that you can easily come up with yourself. Make room for pro tips from insiders that you won’t find anywhere else…

Tips For Texting: Right Click, Save As…

Learn below why some tips for texting are worth saving!

Most people who want tips for texting don’t realize that what they say makes texting “difficult” is also it’s greatest advantage:

It’s text-based.

Sure, you only have text to attract girls with… where you have your body language, eye contact, your voice tone, clothing …