Category: Bad boys

Women love bad boys, but why? Learn what makes bad boys so damn attractive women can’t stay away and how to imitate their success today!

The secret of why bad boys and not nice guys always seem to end up getting the girl has shocked most men for ages now, but soon you won’t be one of those guys anymore.

That’s because I’m going to explain to you WHERE bad boys come from. To all you nice guys out there: it’s a lot less glamorous and “evil” than you think. Then, I’ll explain WHY bad boys create as much attraction as they do (often without them being able to know why).

And after that? You can transform from a nice guy into a bad boy yourself, with the only difference being that YOU don’t have to physically abuse women to attract them to you!

Continue reading below to find out more about bad boys and their seductive powers…

What To Do Against Bad Boys…

What if your relationship is threatened by a bad boy? Or what if the ex of the woman you like is a bad boy? Find out what to do against bad boys…

Earlier this week one of my friends and customers Dave told me he had a problem with a bad boy trying to steal his girlfriend. The bad boy is actually her ex. It was a problem alright, because his girlfriend admitted that bad boys always have power over her.

And the brutal truth is: all bad boys have power over all women to a certain degree! If you don’t know why, I highly recommend you check out my blog post about why bad boys are so attractive.

If you know already why bad boys are so attractive to women, then keep reading below…

If you ever lost a girlfriend or a woman you were interested in to a bad boy? Then you’ll LOVE what you’re about to learn…

In the next few minutes I’ll show you how to win from bad boys every single time you try to “get the girl”… OR… “keep the girl”

Ever heard of that movie Revenge Of The Nerds? Well, this blog post …

Inner Game & Confidence 101: The Way Of The Bad Boy

A lot of guys come up to me and ask: “Carlos… why do women never go for nice guys, and why do they always fall in love with the bad boy?” And here’s why…

A bad boy is one big contradiction:

– He is the dangerous, extremely confident man who doesn’t give a crap about society, rules, or any form of authority and is full of adventure VERSUS the small, innocent boy in a big man’s body that needs saving in a moment of weakness because he can’t help himself

– He’s the perfect escape from boring every day life filled with its routines, nagging and obligations VERSUS the escape is only temporarily, sooner or later a woman knows that her heart will be broken, and she accepts… because he was only an escape, he “doesn’t count”

– When a bad boy is with a woman, he lives in the moment, and makes love to her like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do: raw, passionate sex and always making her feel so very CLOSE to him… VERSUS the times he vanishes into thin air, nowhere to be seen, nothing to be heard, who knows if the rebel in him …

The Real Deal Behind Having A Reputation…

Being known for meeting and dating several women: the vast majority of men FEAR it. They’ll think it will prevent their success once girls know he has had many women..because his “rep” will make them see through him before he has even started to talk.

Guys think women will HATE their guts for it; for having dated several women…but that’s typical surface level psychology, and what a MALE would think.

Frankly, I’ve never regretted who I’ve met and dated, not a single friggin’ time – neither have the naturals I learned my game from. And I think it’s time to do something controversial and reveal the ruthless reality behind having a reputation.

Here are 3 hidden truths of female psychology for why having a reputation is a GOOD thing:

– If you had so many women in your past, other females will think there most be something about you that makes you so desirable..because why would all those women otherwise want you? This will feed her curiosity, a girl will want to find out exactly WHAT is it about you that makes you such a big sexual threat. Next to this, being a notorious seducer will also make you come …