Carlos Xuma Introduces… A New Column Writer – Rocky’s Story
It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ve convinced one of my friends to write columns and share his thoughts with you, his splendid thoughts on how meeting & dating women should be done, and what all the masters of seduction are doing that makes them so successful.
So without further a do?
I’m Introducing… RockyJJP! Tell them who you are Rocky:
Hi guys, I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am 24 years old and I WIN WITH WOMEN. But just like most men this wasn’t always the case. I was awful with women. I was engaged to be married. My life was over and paved down an average boring path. But I felt this was my only option. I didn’t believe I was good with women. I got a bad draw there and I had to accept what I got. I was gifted in other areas. I was so unhappy and bored but I kept it to myself because I never had many women or abundance in my life. As a result my confidence was low. So I suffered in silence. But one day 7 months before my wedding, fate stepped in and everything changed. I was listening to a podcast of a certain Ricky Gervaise, when he mentioned he read a book called THE GAME by an author named Neill Strauss and it took him from obscurity to being a master pick up artist. I decided to give it a read and the rest was history. It was a burst of realization on my mind. I finished the book in a day and from that day I made such risks and sacrifices in my life. I got unengaged and forced myself on a journey of self discovery with woman and myself.
Before anyone asks, my handle has nothing to do with anything about boxing. It was actually given to me by XBOX LIVE. I tried to register a gamertag with my initials, they weren’t available. But they gave me a few examples that were available and RockyJJP was the first. I thought it sounded cool. And the rest is history.
When I got into this I asked myself why I am doing this and what do I want out of it. I realised that even though pick up and women aren’t the most important things in life, I realised they are crucial and massive things. It’s a crucial one because success breeds success, if you walk in a room and know that you can have every single beautiful woman you see and you can get them to fall in love with you. That is supreme confidence and abundance. Having women in your life, having women who want you, who love you and will do anything to be with you in your life, is a foundation for the rest of your life, to live happy and confident. Isn’t that what we all want?
It will make everything in your life a whole lot sweeter. But in order to get there I had to make all the concepts around women & dating simple and understandable, because that’s what I do, I simplify things. I make things easy, more simply and understandable, and I believe in the motto, “teach someone how to fish instead of feeding them fish” because if you understand what to do, you’ll improvise easier and be comfortable talking to women.
Breaking down game and simplifying it is crucial to doing it. I was too scared to approach before because I felt I was being false, a canned opener or gimmick didn’t seem real or right to me. I persisted nevertheless, going to seminars and reading every piece of seduction literature I could find and I started piecing things together, removing all the middle useless crap, and created a Frankenstein’s monster of gaming. Because I simplified it I discovered what all the best seducers, womanizers and ladiesmen in the world do, what they have in common, because here’s the thing…they all do the same things, but in different ways…
More to come soon!
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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