Brief Blog Break + Free Attraction And Self Help Tips

Hey, I hope you will enjoy the summer time because I like you! Make the most of your summer, will you? I’m going on vacation, but I have a present for you…

But let me first explain where I’m going: I’m going on vacation to Rome, Italy tomorrow and I’ll stay there until the 8th of August. Let’s see if the Romans and Colosseum can handle a Carlos gone WILD because of coffee, hot weather, and movies.

That means there won’t be any new blogs with free dating tips for you during the next 2 weeks…

But don’t worry, because I’ll try to post some short tips on my Twitter and Facebook profiles for you as many times as possible.

My Facebook profile:
My Twitter profile:

I’ll also try to post some photos to Facebook so you can see my crazy adventures with your own eyes.

Try to go on vacation dude, it’s good for you! I will start posting more new blog posts with dating advice for men than ever on Monday the 9th of August and beyond… so come back here then to get more free dating tips!

I don’t want to keep you waiting with improving your life, so next to the short tips on my Facebook/Twitter? Here are some awesome links I’ve collected that you can learn from:

– Self help tips from gurus like Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins and Dale Carnegie
– Classic writings on attraction, picking up women and seduction
– My Youtube channel with videos about calling women, meeting women online, interviews, etc.
What to say on a first date is something you need to know when you make an effort of approaching girls in the summer. Trust me: no woman wants to be on vacation and alone at the same time. HINT!

Enjoy these resources about self help and attraction… and I´ll see you after my vacation!

To More Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma
Win With Women

P.S. Want more free tips about what I\\'ve talked about today? About raising your confidence through the roof, meeting girls anywhere & anytime, creating raw sexual attraction, and more? Make sure you get your secrets, ebooks, and email updates by signing up for my newsletter below NOW. Remember, it only takes 60 seconds to get more strategies and stealth sexual tactics, so do it. Sign up below.

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Carlos Xuma
- Win With Women

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