The Win With Women Community – Pua Forum Update
Wow… the win with women pua forums have not even been online for 3 weeks yet and already we’re packing a HUGE amount of topics on meeting women, how to approach a woman, meeting girls online, attraction and so much more!
In fact, there are so much goodies on our very own pua forum, dating forum or whatever you wanna call it that I want to share a handpicked “best of the best” selection that the Win With Women Community has seen so far with you.
But WAIT a second right there…
Because before I go ahead and share with you all the fun stuff of our old pua forum, I just want to say: there’s a new and improved Win With Women Community available for you today which you can find HERE.
The new Community has more features, you can follow and share topics on your favorite social networks like Twitter and Facebook, and way more others ways to have fun and learn!
And if you still want to check out all the dating tips inside the topics of the old forum? Then keep reading!
There’s so much going on that you’ll miss out on the fun on my seduction forum, so here’s The Update.
The Classic Writings On Attraction Forum:
1. Carlos Xuma topic: a guy called Far East Philosopher uploaded an entire bunch of my Inner Game articles about having a fear of approaching women and more… good stuff!
2. Swinggcat topic: inside the little world of dating gurus and pick up artists, Swinggcat is famous… and for a reason… because he shares some amazing knowledge in one of his articles. I highly recommend you check it out.
3. Robert Greene – 9 personality types of seduction: already called one of the best topics on the entire win with women pua forum, I share which personality archetypes are most attractive to women (according to Robert), then the members share what their personal style is and how they develop it (that includes me). Enlightening read I would say…
Go here to read up on all the fun & join the win with women forum:
Pua Media Forum:
1. How to meet women – real life videos with analysis: another pick up that happened in realife, and which was taped on camera, dissected. What did the guy do right? And wrong? What can we learn about women & dating from it?
2. Pick up artist shows on tv – The Men’s Room: links to some of the best episoded of this pua show in which the host interviews all kinds of dating experts about social circle game, approaching, relationships and more…
Click the link below to check it out… and join the Win With Women Community already!
The Players Club Forum:
Only the best of the best forum members are allowed access to the prestiguous Clubm in which they share the most advanced dating techniques and insights with each other.. with a splash of Playboy bunnies, cigars, hard liquor and philosophy that is!
1. (Lay Report) 2nd threesome tallies much higher score: solace shares his story about how he ended up having a threesome here… intense stuff…
2. The Players Lounge: an intense debate is going on about “What is game?”, what does learning how to meet & date women mean to each Player (the posts in there are nuggets of gold, each and everyone of them)
Click the link below to get a glimpse of The Players Club, join, post 50+ times and you can finally enter the “Hall Of Game”, which is a privilege even for veteran users of all the other pua forums out there:
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
P.S. Want more free tips about what I\\'ve talked about today? About raising your confidence through the roof, meeting girls anywhere & anytime, creating raw sexual attraction, and more? Make sure you get your secrets, ebooks, and email updates by signing up for my newsletter below NOW. Remember, it only takes 60 seconds to get more strategies and stealth sexual tactics, so do it. Sign up below.
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