10 Things Average Guys Don’t Know About Succeeding With Women

Dating guru Nick Savoy wants to share what most average guys don’t know about succeeding with women in his first column on Win-With-Women.com. Let’s get to it!

Hi, I’m Nick Savoy. I’m a dating coach. Some would call me a pickup artist.

Labels mean all kinds of things. Some people think a dating coach or a pickup artist needs to dress in furry capes and leotards like on that TV show. Or be as dysfunctional as the characters from The Game spitting out made-up words like “negs” and “HB10s”.

I won’t lie – there are people like this. I know some of them. I used to work with some of them when I was co-founder and President of Mystery Method Corp (before it got weird). When these kinds of guys get together, it’s like Peter Pan meets Dungeons & Dragons.

But the good news is that “normal guys” are taking over – guys like Carlos or myself – people who have a normal job, a normal life, but who at some point decided they didn’t want to “settle”. In short, we wanted more and better options in our dating and sex lives, without all the cultish weirdness.

If you’re still here, what you’re probably looking for is simple, understandable, usable, and practical dating advice tips. I don’t have a lot of space (click on the link at the end of this article for more information) so I’ll just list the 10 Things Average Guys Don’t Know About Succeeding With Women:

1. “Pickup lines” don’t matter. There are many easy ways to start a conversation with a woman you don’t know, but none of them do much by themselves beyond starting a conversation. The second thing you say is much more important than the first.

2. Women see fashion & grooming as a choice. She will interpret your outfit as being how you want to be seen. So make sure it fits your identity.

3. Women are attracted to men who other women are attracted to. Flirt with a bunch of different women at a bar or a party before making your move.

4. The game starts as soon as you walk on the field. Women will subconsciously notice your presence and what you’re doing well before you approach them.

5. When you get her phone number, make sure she has yours in her phone. Many women don’t answer numbers they don’t know, and voicemail is social death.

6. You might not care about what your friends think about your newest date, but she cares about hers. Make sure they like you.

7. Avoid the extremes of seeming sleazy or repressed. Sexual humor is a great way to navigate this. Make sure you hold eye contact to show confidence.

8. You can’t talk a woman into bed. The “physical conversation” (touching back and forth) is much more important than the spoken one.

9. Be fun, be playful, be humorous. Don’t be serious, uptight, or boring.

10. Women love confidence. It’s hard to just decide to “be confident” but it’s easy (if you know what to do) to come across as confident. It’s all the same to her anyway.

I hope this helps you meet and attract the type of women and lifestyle you want. Check out Love Systems or The Attraction Forums for more info and all the practical how-tos that go with these.

– Nick Savoy

Nick Savoy is one of the best-known and most respected dating coaches for men in the world. Formerly President and co-founder of Mystery Method Corp, he now runs Love Systems, the largest and most successful source of dating advice for men. He has appeared as a guest expert on Dr Phil, Tyra Banks, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Times of London.

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