Category: Social network dating

Maybe social network dating sounds new to you, but I’ve been dating women on social networks like Facebook for years now. You can too!

By using my social network dating tips and reviews of social networks for dating that you’ll find inside the blog post below…

The Ultimate Social Networks For Dating Review

Many guys want to use social networks for dating but don’t know where and how to start with social network dating, until now! Check out the review below.

You may be wondering: “Who is this guy to tell me what the best social networks for dating are?” How about a guy who has been in the social network dating game for 7 years now? Who? Me! That’s who.

But before I start naming social networks for dating one after the other, we have to agree on some criteria we’ll use while reviewing them and why we’re using them:

1) Number of opportunities: how many different ways can we use to meet women on these social networks for dating? The more, the better because it makes it easier for you to stand out.

2) Competition: how big is the sea of jackasses who also try to win the social network dating game you’ll have to compete with? The smaller, the better of course.

3) Usability: how easy is it for you to find women online, your type of women, on this specific social network? And how easy is it for you to get into contact with them? To write a good …