The One Mistake Alpha Men Don’t Make

A lot of guys think they’ve got it together when it comes to attracting women. But there’s one behavior that robs them of their masculine power and lessens women’s respect for them.

As men, we’re defined by our opinions. What we think says who we are, and apologizing for our beliefs can make a guy look weak and low-value.

Take matters on dating for instance. Some guys would rather go out with different women at a given time.


To them, they’d rather get to know more than one person to make sure that when they do commit to someone, they’re making the best choice possible.

That seems like a fair enough deal as long as he’s on the level with the women he’s dating. If he made any one of them think that they’ve gone steady while STILL seeing other girls, well, that’s something else.

And the biggest mistake in this situation would be to backpedal – or worse, apologize – just to appease a particular woman. If you tried to convince her desperately that you she should be ok with you dating other women, it makes your words incongruent with your actions.

And that makes you unattractive on every level because she’ll know that you relinquished your opinion for the sake of her approval.

Not a good move.

A better way would be to act cool about it and not make it an issue at all. When the subject comes up, the best course of action is to be honest but casual about what you’re doing.

I’m assuming of course, that you haven’t made any sort of promise to that particular girl that you’d date her exclusively. Otherwise, letting her know that you’re STILL dating other women will rightfully earn you a slap in the face.

Obviously, lying is just as reprehensible and backing down from your opinion.

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