What To Do Against Bad Boys…

What if your relationship is threatened by a bad boy? Or what if the ex of the woman you like is a bad boy? Find out what to do against bad boys…

Earlier this week one of my friends and customers Dave told me he had a problem with a bad boy trying to steal his girlfriend. The bad boy is actually her ex. It was a problem alright, because his girlfriend admitted that bad boys always have power over her.

And the brutal truth is: all bad boys have power over all women to a certain degree! If you don’t know why, I highly recommend you check out my blog post about why bad boys are so attractive.

If you know already why bad boys are so attractive to women, then keep reading below…

If you ever lost a girlfriend or a woman you were interested in to a bad boy? Then you’ll LOVE what you’re about to learn…

In the next few minutes I’ll show you how to win from bad boys every single time you try to “get the girl”… OR… “keep the girl”

Ever heard of that movie Revenge Of The Nerds? Well, this blog post is going to be my “Revenge Of The Nice Guys”… so eat sh*t and die from now on bad boys, lol! Here’s how to get with a girl no matter how many bad boys she knows…

Every guy that has become a bad boy not by learning, but on his own? Every bad boy has weaknesses. You’re about to find out what those weaknesses are…

The Origin Of The Bad Boy

As I told my customer Dave: 95% of all human behavior takes place on a subconscious level. Most of the time you do stuff without knowing WHY, whether you like it or not. That subsconcious behavior takes place in the form of habits. But that subsconcious stuff also takes place in the form of psychological drives.

And guess what?

One of the MAJOR psychological drives of the bad boy is the relationship he has with his mother. The status of that relationship (especially during his childhood years) drives a LOT if not ALL of his behavior today. It especially determines how he behaves around women.

Every single bad boy I’ve ever seen or befriended had a BAD relationship with his mother. It’s always bad because of one of these 2 situations:

1) A bad boy’s mother was never around or not around a lot. This makes him feel neglected. This makes him want to get as much attention from women as possible, because he never got enough attention when he was a child. The moment woman A can’t give him the attention he wants, he’ll start talking to woman B to still get that attention.


2) A bad boy’s mother was very dominant, so controlling. This makes him want to avoid EVERY situation where a woman has any kind of control over him: relationships. He starts avoiding any kind of commitment because it reminds him of his too dominant mother…

So bad boys don’t attract and sleep with as many women as possible because they WANT TO… but because they MUST.

From a psychological perspective, they absolutely must get the attention from women they need OR avoid any kind of control women try to have over him.

And the funny thing is: they don’t KNOW they act how they act because of the relationship they have with their mothers. They don’t even know WHAT they’re doing. All they think is that they’re being themselves, while in reality this bad relationship with 1 woman (mommy) determines ALL relationships they ever have with women.

They are victims of their own childhood as much as the women they date are victims of it…

After you learned all this about how bad boys are created, do you still think they are all powerful?

No? Good! Because deep inside, bad boys are all little BOYS that crave recognition from women. That’s not tough, it’s sad.

The ultimate proof: the moment a bad boy DOES meet a woman he really likes? He doesn’t know what to do anymore. He won’t know how to behave anymore. He will probably be more desperate than the nice guys who always seem to finish last with women…

I’ve seen this stuff happen time, after time, after time…

And I was a typical bad boy too once. I have a very dominant mother…

But there’s a big difference between me and typical bad boys: I conquered my fear of commitment. Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 3 years now and I’ve never cheated on her once or even thought about it. I conquered the bad boy in me although I still have all the personality traits that make a bad boy attractive…

Be Different And You’ll Win…

If you remember the blog post I wrote about why bad boys are so attractive, I mentioned that bad boys give women an escape.

Women KNOW what they have with a bad boy won’t last. They KNOW it’s temporary. They know he’ll leave them for another woman. But he gives them an escape from the boring daily life without ANY excitement, danger, or risk whatsoever.

And that’s a weakness of the bad boy right there.

Most women want something that lasts, a relationship. They know a bad boy can’t give them that. So if you let women know you’re here to stay, not intimidated by other interested men and give them romance? They know you want to make it last too.

But part of the seductive power of the bad boy is his ability to excite. He creates a sense of danger, risk… so you need to bring that to the table too or you’ll be seen as the boring dude who can never excite any woman… ever.

And a simple way to do that without pretending to be someone you’re not, is using your biggest strengths. Women fell for you because of your strengths…

So, ask yourself: what is my biggest strength?

Dave for example, the guy that started all this, is very spontaneous. His girlfriend loves it. It’s what creates the most attraction, so I told him to start being more spontaneous. Way more than ever. It will make him stand out more and more as his girlfriend’s jealous, bad boy ex keeps doing the same stuf he always did…

Because you let women know you’re here to stay, you’re different from bad boys. And because of it, they start to think of YOUR strengths as different from what a bad boy is like as well…

And then? Then HE’LL be boring because he’s the same as usual. A boring bad boy doesn’t exist, so he’ll lose his power over a woman. Et voila: using the strength of the bad boy against him to win from him.

If All Other Stuff Fails…

And if all else fails when you’re up against bad boys? Then the best advice on what to do against bad boys I can give you is:

If you can’t beat them, join them…

And I’ve got some questions for you that you can answer in a comment if you want. Don’t be afraid to share your opinion with the world dude. Here are my questions:

1) Be honest… have you ever lost a woman to a bad boy? Why? And how?
2) Have you ever won from a bad boy that tried to get your girlfriend or the woman you were interested in? No? Then will you start using these tips so you will win from now on?

I’m ending this by saying:

This caffein junkie is switching from coffee to Redbull today. And you know what? Some people HATE on Redbull because it looks like (and has the color of) piss, but to me?

To me Redbull is yellow gold. It sharpens my sword, it starts my engine… but what do I know right? I’m just a poor old junkie who can’t stop drinking ANYTHING that contains caffein: coffee, energy drinks…. but I’ll shut up now.

And remember: you can win from bad boys any time you want. Because how can you beat someone who never quits? You can’t, so never stop trying!

Before I forget: why not study bad boys so you have an idea of what you’re dealing with? Check out my blog post with Barney Stinson tips to pick up chicks to learn from a master bad boy, Barney Stinson.

To More Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma
Win With Women

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