You’ll Hate What I Think About Valentine’s Day

Apparently the authors of this article are psychic, mainly because they summarized everything I hate about “romantic” ideas into a single blog post.

As the spot-on article put it, “seemingly beautiful expressions of love are downright disturbing when you take a step back and consider them with an objective eye.”

Sorry to break it to you fellas, but real life ain’t the same as the movies. Not even close.

Go through that list, and really ask yourself if pulling those stunts won’t get you arrested or brand yourself as a desperate, try-hard creep.

And it’s not just Hollywood that’s feeding us with the belief that doing crazy stuff will earn us a “Boyfriend of the Year” award.

attract women

I’m talking about the insidious “holiday” on the 14th of February. If you’re a reasonable, well-adjusted guy, you’d have enough sense to know you’re supposed to be romantic on a fairly REGULAR BASIS with your lady.

If you’re feeling the pressure to do something over-the-top on Valentine’s Day, let me offer you a little perspective on this “special” occasion.

Consider this: cramming all your efforts into a desperate, Hail Mary-esque, one-shot deal doesn’t exactly make for a healthy relationship.

Believe me, I’m not against the idea of romance. Why would I when it’s the lifeblood of a stable, lasting relationship?

What I am against is having the idea of romance rammed down my throat by a bunch of marketing people who are basically out to make a few bucks during a certain day of the year.

Let’s face it – the only other people who are happiest on Valentine’s Day are the folks working at Hallmark.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article…

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