Category: What women want

What Do Women Really Think About?

What is she really thinking? I bet you want to know. And who doesn’t?

Hell, sometimes SHE wants to know what she’s thinking.

Women are confusing and they don’t make things easy on guys.

Even Edward Cullen, the supposedly hottest vampire from the “Twilight” movies – who women drool over – would want to read Bella’s mind, the woman he loves – and it frustrates the hell out of him because he can’t.


A scene from a “Twilight” movie proves that:

Isabella Swan: Wait. You say you heard what they were thinking? So what you…you read minds?

Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room apart from yours. There’s…Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat…And then you, nothing. That’s very frustrating.

The same thing happens in the True Blood series, where they give the WOMAN the ability to read men’s minds – which is a woman’s fantasy-come-true.

We asked a few women and here are some of the things they think about that you might find helpful to better understand the woman you want in your life.

WHAT SHE’S THINKING ABOUT: The first time you meet

The first time she sees you, she’s checking you out. Thinking …

What Women Want: It’s Not What You Think They Want!

I wrote a newsletter about what women want that is crucial for men to win the dating game. Why? Because what women want differs from what one thinks they want!

So enjoy these insights about what women want. I hope you’ll learn from this newsletter!

This question is gonna sound strange but here goes nothing: what do women want Carlos? I don’t know what women want! I mean..what do they really want from men, the thing that makes them feel attracted to us? Ever read that book women are from Venus, men from Mars? That’s how I feel because I don’t understand women and I know I’m doing something wrong.

You mentioned female psychology here and there, so can you please help me with your insights? I’m so confused about what they want, sometimes they’re hot than they’re cold, than they want this and then that. Really irritating. Whenever I go out I just can’t get 1 phone number and I fail over and over.

Please help!

Thomas, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

What do women want?

Yeah… asking me that makes you sound like a total dumb ass…

But unfortunately, most …