Category: Inner game

How To Improve Confidence: Improve Your Confidence In 3 Easy Steps

Many men want to know how to improve confidence because they can’t win with women in the dating game. Something’s wrong. They just don’t know what it is…

Are you one of them? Do you want to know how to improve confidence?

Then consider yourself lucky to be reading this post on how to improve confidence, because I’ve travelled down the road you’re taking right now years ago. I KNOW what’s wrong. I know why you can’t win with women:

You don’t know how to improve confidence because you don’t know what you want, you don’t set some goals for yourself, and you don’t realize that life’s a flywheel yet.

I can almost hear you think: “Dude! You make it sound real easy now, but it’s not!”

I know it isn’t… but it will be once you know how to improve confidence with my 3 steps!

How To Improve Confidence Step 1: Know What You Want

If I would ask you what your type of woman looks like, what she likes, and what the best place to find her is… would you be able to tell me?

I’m willing to bet you that your answer is no or that …

What To Do Against Bad Boys…

What if your relationship is threatened by a bad boy? Or what if the ex of the woman you like is a bad boy? Find out what to do against bad boys…

Earlier this week one of my friends and customers Dave told me he had a problem with a bad boy trying to steal his girlfriend. The bad boy is actually her ex. It was a problem alright, because his girlfriend admitted that bad boys always have power over her.

And the brutal truth is: all bad boys have power over all women to a certain degree! If you don’t know why, I highly recommend you check out my blog post about why bad boys are so attractive.

If you know already why bad boys are so attractive to women, then keep reading below…

If you ever lost a girlfriend or a woman you were interested in to a bad boy? Then you’ll LOVE what you’re about to learn…

In the next few minutes I’ll show you how to win from bad boys every single time you try to “get the girl”… OR… “keep the girl”

Ever heard of that movie Revenge Of The Nerds? Well, this blog post …

Women And Compliments – Do Compliments Work?

Romantic types always say this about women and compliments: compliments work, but is that really the case? Let’s find out the truth about compliments!

Single men all over the planet have been disagreeing about it for dozens of years: women and compliments, they go hand in hand. No they don’t, etc. It’s about time we end the debate, wouldn’t you agree?

NO… this won’t be a let love in, gayish speech. This blog post about women and compliments right here will give you no-nonsense advice on when to use compliments.

So, do women and compliments go hand in hand? Or do compliments make women run away from you as fast as they freaking can?

First things first: let’s talk about the mistakes most single men make when they want to know how to get that girl they’re after… and throw billions of compliments at her!

This is familiar stuff for the critics, but keep on reading if you’re one of them because I do present new stuff…

Women And Compliments Mistake #1: You’re Not A Cannon…

You don't have to be a cannon for women and compliments

A lot of men ask me why a woman just want to be friends with them after they were open to her about …